
For all licensing options, please see ImageUltimate Pricing. For End User License Agreement, please see ImageUltimate EULA.

Trial Mode

The evaluation version is the same as the purchased one – the trial version simply becomes licensed when you apply the license key.

ImageUltimate will run in trial mode if you don't set a valid license key. The trial is only time-limited and not feature-limited, i.e. none of the features are restricted during trial. When the trial ends after 30 days, the generated images will be watermarked with a "ImageUltimate" overlay text at the top left corner.

Purchased License

After purchase, you need to apply the license key. This section describes options of how this can be done, and also comments on some common questions.


You need to set the license key:

  • only once per application domain (e.g. NOT for every page hit)

  • before using any other ImageUltimate classes

Select a sub-section:

For an ASP.NET Core project

Set your license key in appsettings.json file:

  "ImageUltimate:LicenseKey": "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE"

Alternatively you can set your license key in code, in Configure method of your Startup.cs after app.UseGleamTech call:

//Register GleamTech to the ASP.NET Core HTTP request pipeline.
app.UseGleamTech(() =>
    ImageUltimateConfiguration.Current.LicenseKey = "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE";

For an ASP.NET Classic (MVC or WebForms) project

Set your license key in <appSettings> tag of your Web.config:

  <add key="ImageUltimate:LicenseKey" value="YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" />

Alternatively you can set your license key in code, in Application_Start method of your Global.asax.cs:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ImageUltimateConfiguration.Current.LicenseKey = "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE";

For other project types

Set your license key in a static (Shared in VB) method, e.g. in Main method for a Console project:

static void Main(string[] args)
    ImageUltimateConfiguration.Current.LicenseKey = "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE";