DocumentFormat Enumeration

Defines the supported document file formats.


Namespace: GleamTech.DocumentUltimate
Assembly: GleamTech.DocumentUltimate (in GleamTech.DocumentUltimate.dll) Version: 7.3.0
public enum DocumentFormat


PdfAdobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
XpsMicrosoft XML Paper Specification (XPS).
OxpsMicrosoft Open XML Paper Specification (OpenXPS).
DocxMicrosoft Word Document.
DocmMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Document.
DotxMicrosoft Word Template.
DotmMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Template.
DocMicrosoft Word 97-2003 Document.
DotMicrosoft Word 97-2003 Template.
RtfRich Text Document.
OdtOpenDocument Text.
OttOpenDocument Text Template.
XlsxMicrosoft Excel Worksheet.
XlsmMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet.
XltxMicrosoft Excel Template.
XltmMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Template.
XlamMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In.
XlsbMicrosoft Excel Binary Worksheet.
XlsMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet.
XltMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Template.
CsvComma Separated Values File.
TsvTab Separated Values File.
DifData Interchange Format.
OdsOpenDocument Spreadsheet.
OtsOpenDocument Spreadsheet Template.
PptxMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation.
PptmMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation.
PotxMicrosoft PowerPoint Template.
PotmMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template.
PpsxMicrosoft PowerPoint Slide Show.
PpsmMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show.
PptMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation.
PpsMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show.
OdpOpenDocument Presentation.
OtpOpenDocument Presentation Template.
VsdxMicrosoft Visio Drawing.
VsdmMicrosoft Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing.
VstxMicrosoft Visio Template.
VstmMicrosoft Visio Macro-Enabled Template.
VssxMicrosoft Visio Stencil.
VssmMicrosoft Visio Macro-Enabled Stencil.
VdxMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Drawing.
VsxMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Stencil.
VtxMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Template.
VsdMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Drawing.
VssMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Stencil.
VstMicrosoft Visio 2003-2010 Template.
VdwMicrosoft Visio 2010 Web Drawing.
MppMicrosoft Project Document.
MptMicrosoft Project Template.
MpxMicrosoft Project Exchange File.
MsgMicrosoft Outlook E-mail Message.
EmlE-mail Message.
EmlxApple Mail E-mail File.
EpubElectronic Publication (EPUB).
HtmlHyperText Markup Language (HTML).
WebWeb Directory (One HTML file per page).
TxtPlain Text Document.
DwgAutoCAD Drawing (R13 to 2018).
DxfAutoCAD Drawing Interchange (R12 to 2018).
StlSTL File Format (3D Printing).
TifTagged Image File Format (TIFF).
DjVuDeja Vu (DjVu) Image.
DcmDigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
PsPostScript (PS).
SvgScalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
EmfWindows Enhanced Metafile (EMF).
XamlExtensible Application Markup Language (XAML).
PsdAdobe Photoshop Document (PSD).
JpgJoint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).
Jp2JPEG 2000 (JP2).
JxrJPEG XR (HD Photo).
PngPortable Network Graphics (PNG).
GifGraphics Interchange Format (GIF).
WebPWeb Image Format by Google (WebP).
TgaTruevision Graphics Adapter (TARGA).
BmpBitmap Picture (BMP).
PbmPortable Bitmap Format (PBM).
WmfWindows Metafile (WMF).
DibDevice Independent Bitmap (DIB).

See Also