GleamTech.DocumentUltimate Namespace

This is the core namespace of this library, it contains classes used to convert document files to another format.

The main classes in this namespace are:


AttachmentRepresents an attachment that will be added to a document.
AttachmentInfoRepresents an attachment inside a document.
CadInputOptionsRepresents a set of Cad input options used for document conversion.
ConversionContext Encapsulates all specific information about an individual document conversion.
DocumentConverter Provides methods for document conversion.
DocumentConverterResultRepresents the result of a document conversion.
DocumentFormatGroupInfoProvides information about a document format group.
DocumentFormatInfoProvides information about a document format.
DocumentUltimateConfiguration Provides properties and methods for changing this library's configuration.
HtmlOutputOptionsRepresents a set of html output options used for document conversion.
ImageOutputOptionsRepresents a set of image output options used for document conversion.
ImageWatermarkRepresents a set of image watermark options used for document conversion.
InputContext Encapsulates all specific information about the input of a document conversion.
InputOptionsRepresents a set of common input options used for document conversion.
NumberRangeRepresents a range of numbers.
OutputContext Encapsulates all specific information about the output of a document conversion.
OutputOptionsRepresents a set of common output options used for document conversion.
PageRangeRepresents a range of page numbers.
PdfOutputOptionsRepresents a set of PDF output options used for document conversion.
SheetRangeRepresents a range of sheet numbers.
SpreadsheetInputOptionsRepresents a set of Spreadsheet input options used for document conversion.
TextWatermarkRepresents a set of text watermark options used for document conversion.
WatermarkRepresents a set of watermark options used for document conversion.
WordProcessingInputOptionsRepresents a set of Word Processing input options used for document conversion.
XpzOutputOptionsRepresents a set of XPZ output options used for document conversion.


DocumentEngineDefines the document engines.
DocumentEngineFilterDefines the document engine filters.
DocumentFormatDefines the supported document file formats.
DocumentFormatGroupDefines the groups for supported document file formats.
DocumentFormatSupportDefines the document format support for loading or saving.
HorizontalAlignmentSpecifies how a watermark is horizontally aligned relative to a document page.
TextAlignmentSpecifies how the text is horizontally aligned relative to the watermark rectangle.
VerticalAlignmentSpecifies how a watermark is vertically aligned relative to a document page.