SpreadsheetInputOptions Class

Represents a set of Spreadsheet input options used for document conversion.


Namespace: GleamTech.DocumentUltimate
Assembly: GleamTech.DocumentUltimate (in GleamTech.DocumentUltimate.dll) Version: 7.3.3
public class SpreadsheetInputOptions : InputOptions
Object    InputOptions    SpreadsheetInputOptions


Choosing only the visible sheets for output and preventing breaking of columns:

var inputOptions = new SpreadsheetInputOptions
    //Choose only visible sheets (not hidden data sheets)
    //This is also the default value DocumentViewer uses internally
    OutputSheetRange = new SheetRange("visible"),

    //All columns of a rendered sheet should fit to the same page (do not break)
    //This is also the default value DocumentViewer uses internally
    RenderColumnsFitToPages = 1

DocumentConverter.Convert(@"c:\SomeFolder\InputFile.xlsx", inputOptions, DocumentFormat.Pdf);

Choosing only the active sheet for output and fitting all rows in a predefined page count:

var inputOptions = new SpreadsheetInputOptions
    //Choose only the active sheet
    OutputSheetRange = new SheetRange("active"),

    //All rows of a rendered sheet should fit to 2 pages
    RenderRowsFitToPages = 2

DocumentConverter.Convert(@"c:\SomeFolder\InputFile.xlsx", inputOptions, DocumentFormat.Pdf);

Choosing specific sheets for output:

var inputOptions = new SpreadsheetInputOptions
    //Choose only the sheet 1, 2 and 3
    OutputSheetRange = new SheetRange("1-3"),

DocumentConverter.Convert(@"c:\SomeFolder\InputFile.xlsx", inputOptions, DocumentFormat.Pdf);


SpreadsheetInputOptionsInitializes a new instance of the SpreadsheetInputOptions class.
SpreadsheetInputOptions(DocumentFormat)Initializes a new instance of the SpreadsheetInputOptions class with a document format.


FormatGets or sets the format to convert from.
(Inherited from InputOptions)
OutputSheetRange Gets or sets the range of sheet numbers to output. Default is "all". A string representation of number ranges (e.g. 1-5, 8, 11-13) or keywords (all, even, odd, visible, active) can be directly assigned to this property.
PasswordGets or sets the password which is used for loading a protected document.
(Inherited from InputOptions)
RenderArea Gets or sets the range to be rendered. For example "A1:K15" specifies a range of A to K columns and 1 to 15 rows.
RenderBlackAndWhite Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the document will be rendered in black and white. The default is false.
RenderCenterFooter Gets or sets the center footer to be rendered. See remarks in docs for possible script and format codes.
RenderCenterHeader Gets or sets the center header to be rendered. See remarks in docs for possible script and format codes.
RenderCenterHorizontally Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the sheet is centered horizontally when rendered. The default is false.
RenderCenterVertically Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the sheet is centered vertically when rendered. The default is false.
RenderColumnsFitToPages Gets or sets the number of pages the columns should fit when it's rendered. The default is 0 which means columns could be broken into multiple pages if required. For example if you set the value 1, all columns would be rendered on a single page.
RenderGridlines Gets or sets a value that specifies whether cell gridlines are rendered on pages. The default is false.
RenderHeadings Gets or sets a value that specifies whether column (e.g. A, B) and row (e.g. 1, 2) headings are rendered on pages. The default is false.
RenderLeftFooter Gets or sets the left footer to be rendered. See remarks in docs for possible script and format codes.
RenderLeftHeader Gets or sets the left header to be rendered. See remarks in docs for possible script and format codes.
RenderRightFooter Gets or sets the right footer to be rendered. See remarks in docs for possible script and format codes.
RenderRightHeader Gets or sets the right header to be rendered. See remarks in docs for possible script and format codes.
RenderRowsFitToPages Gets or sets the number of pages the rows should fit when it's rendered. The default is 0 which means rows could be broken into multiple pages if required. For example if you set the value 1, all rows would be rendered on a single page.
RenderTitleColumns Gets or sets the columns that contain the cells to be repeated on the left side of each page. For example "$A:$A" specifies first column only and "$A:$C" specifies first, second and third columns.
RenderTitleRows Gets or sets the rows that contain the cells to be repeated at the top of each page. For example "$1:$1" specifies first row only and "$1:$3" specifies first, second and third rows.

See Also