public sealed class FileUploader : StatefulComponent<FileUploaderState>
Public NotInheritable Class FileUploader
Inherits StatefulComponent(Of FileUploaderState)
@using GleamTech.AspNet.Mvc
@using GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.UI
<!DOCTYPE html>
var fileUploader = new FileUploader
Width = 600,
Height = 300,
Resizable = true,
UploadLocation = "~/App_Data/Uploads"
<title>File Uploader</title>
@Imports GleamTech.AspNet.Mvc
@Imports GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.UI
<!DOCTYPE html>
Dim fileUploader = New FileUploader() With {
.Width = 600,
.Height = 300,
.Resizable = True,
.UploadLocation = "~/App_Data/Uploads"
End Code
<title>File Uploader</title>
Note that for ASP.NET Core, you also need to add and register GleamTech in Startup.cs, please see Using FileUltimate in an ASP.NET Core project.
FileUploader | Initializes a new instance of the FileUploader class. |
FileUploader(FileUltimateWebConfiguration) | Initializes a new instance of the FileUploader class with custom web configuration. |
AllowedFileTypes |
Gets or sets the file patterns that are allowed to be uploaded.
If not set, any file type is allowed ("*").
DeniedFileTypes take precedence over AllowedFileTypes. For instance, when AllowedFileTypes is set to "*.jpg|*.gif" and DeniedFileTypes is set to "*.gif", only "*.jpg" will be allowed. When combining patterns in string representation, they should be separated by vertical bar (|). In a pattern, you can use these wildcards:
Some pattern examples:
AutoClose | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether FileUploader closes itself automatically when the upload is successful. The default is false. Note that auto-closing will be canceled if one or more items fails, this allows the user to click "status reason" and examine the problem. |
AutoStart | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether FileUploader starts uploading automatically after any files are added to the upload queue (user does not need to click "Upload" button). The default is false. |
ChunkSize | Gets or sets the chunk size used in chunked uploading mode. The default is usually 28.6 MB (or 4MB for ASP.NET Classic before 4.5). The default and highest value is determined from Web.config. For ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET Classic 4.5+, it is determined only from system.webServer/requestLimits/maxAllowedContentLength property in Web.Config. For ASP.NET Classic before 4.5, it is determined additionally from system.web/httpRuntime/maxRequestLength property in Web.Config. With chunked uploading mode, which is the default mode on modern browsers, file is split into chunks and chunks are uploaded one by one, and then chunks are reassembled back on the server. The reason for using chunked uploading when possible, is to overcome server's default request limitations. By using chunking, normally you don't need to change any settings to allow uploading of very large files out of the box. Currently all upload methods except Html4 uses chunked uploading (Html5 or Flash or Silverlight), this is because Html4 cannot split into chunks and can only send the whole file in a single request (multipart/form-data). Information on various request size limits:
ClientEvents | Gets or sets the client-side event handlers. |
CustomParameters |
Gets or sets the custom parameters for this uploader instance, to send along with the upload queue.
These custom parameters can be retrieved in server-side events, for example to take an action depending on the parameters.
The key of the dictionary is of string type. The value the dictionary is of object type which means you can set any value that is JSON serializable. For values, it's recommended to use primitive types like string, bool, int etc. |
DebugMode |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display detailed error messages for troubleshooting.
Exceptions will be displayed with stack trace, inner exceptions and data.
(Inherited from StatefulComponent) |
DeniedFileTypes |
Gets or sets specifies the file patterns that are denied to be uploaded.
If not set, no file type is denied ("").
DeniedFileTypes take precedence over AllowedFileTypes. For instance, when AllowedFileTypes is set to "*.jpg|*.gif" and DeniedFileTypes is set to "*.gif", only "*.jpg" will be allowed. When combining patterns in string representation, they should be separated by vertical bar (|). In a pattern, you can use these wildcards:
Some pattern examples:
DisplayLanguage | Gets or sets the display (user interface) language of the file uploader. It is usually set as the two-letter language names like en, de, fr etc. as the bundled languages are usually for general language names. However it can be also set to specific cultures like en-US, de-DE, fr-FR etc. For example, if the property is set to a specific culture like de-CH (German in Switzerland), the component will first look for the language file FileUltimate-de-CH.xml and if the file is not found, it will load the general (fallback) language file of that culture which is FileUltimate-de.xml. If not set, the language file which matches the current UICulture of the host application will be loaded. If there is no language file which matches the current UICulture or its fallback, then the default language file FileUltimate.xml is loaded. |
DisplayMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component is rendered as InPlace (default), Panel, Window or Viewport. (Inherited from Component) |
FormatLanguage | Gets or sets the format language of the file uploader. Format language is used for the number and date/time formats. It is usually set as the specific cultures like en-US, de-DE, fr-FR etc. If not set, the current Culture of the host application will be used. |
Height | Gets or sets the height of the component. (Inherited from Component) |
Hidden |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the component is displayed when page is loaded.
When set to false, the component can be displayed later on client-side manually.
For example, the component can be displayed via a button's click event.
(Inherited from Component) |
Id |
Gets or sets the HTML id of the component.
Also a javascript variable with the same name is automatically defined and it can be used to access
the client-side implementation of the component.
If omitted, Id will be automatically set to the class name of this component (e.g camel-case className)
and if there are other instances on the same page, to className2 ... classNameX.
(Inherited from Component) |
MaxFileCount | Gets or sets the maximum allowed file count to upload. If not set, there will be no size limit for upload. 0 (zero) also means unlimited. |
MaxFileSize | Gets or sets the maximum allowed file size to upload. If not set, there will be no size limit for upload. 0 (zero) also means unlimited. |
Methods | Gets or sets a comma separated upload methods in priority order. The default is "Html5, Silverlight, Flash, Html4". It's not recommended to change this property as the default order offers the best upload experience. |
PanelOptions | Gets or sets the panel options used for Panel mode. (Inherited from Component) |
ProductInfoRendered | Gets or sets a value indicating whether product info/copyright comment is rendered in html. (Inherited from Component) |
Resizable |
Gets or sets a value that specifies if the component can be resized when the user drags sides.
(Inherited from Component) |
ResizeHandles |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the handles which can be used for resizing the component.
Default is South, East and SouthEast.
When using Window mode, set ResizeHandles
which overrides this property.
(Inherited from Component) |
ShowFileExtensions | Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the extension part of the file names should be be displayed. The default is false. When this set to true, the file extension will be also editable in dialog boxes when user is prompted (eg. on Rename). |
StateId |
Gets or sets the state id of the component.
This is determined automatically when state is saved to session.
(Inherited from StatefulComponent) |
UploadLocation |
Gets or sets the file system location for uploading files to.
The default value is "~/App_Data/Uploads".
This property can be set to:
UploadProviderType | Gets or sets the upload provider type which provides a custom way of handling uploaded files. If not set, by default DefaultUploadProvider will be used which will handle uploads according to UploadLocation property. This class should implement IUploadProvider interface and should have a parameterless constructor so that it can be instantiated internally when necessary. |
ViewLayout | Gets or sets the initial view layout type for listing files and folders that added to the upload queue. The default is LargeIcons. Possible values are ExtraLargeIcons, LargeIcons, MediumIcons, SmallIcons, Details and Tiles. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the component. (Inherited from Component) |
WindowOptions | Gets or sets the windows options used for Window mode. (Inherited from Component) |
Failed | Occurs when a queue for one or more items fails in file uploader. |
ItemFailed | Occurs when an item of a queue fails in file uploader. |
ItemUploaded | Occurs after user uploads an item of a queue in file uploader. |
ItemUploading | Occurs before user uploads an item of a queue in file uploader. |
Uploaded | Occurs after user uploads a queue for one or more items in file uploader. |
Uploading | Occurs before user uploads a queue for one or more items in file uploader. |