Using FileUltimate in an ASP.NET WebForms project

To use FileUltimate in an ASP.NET WebForms Project, do the following in Visual Studio:

  1. Make sure you have added references to FileUltimate assemblies as described here.

  2. Optionally set FileUltimate's global configuration (if overriding a default value is required). For example, you may want to set the license key.

    You can specify the configuration in <appSettings> tag of your Web.config.

        Set this property only if you have a valid license key, otherwise do not
        set it so FileUltimate runs in trial mode.
      <add key="FileUltimate:LicenseKey" value="QQJDJLJP34..." />

    As you would notice, FileUltimate: prefix maps to FileUltimateConfiguration.Current and FileUltimateWeb: prefix maps to FileUltimateWebConfiguration.Current.

    Alternatively you can specify the configuration in code, in Application_Start method of your Global.asax.cs:

    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Set this property only if you have a valid license key, otherwise do not 
        //set it so FileUltimate runs in trial mode.  
        FileUltimateConfiguration.Current.LicenseKey = "QQJDJLJP34...";
  3. Create a new page (eg. Default.aspx) and insert these lines (after Page directive at the top):

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="GleamTech" Namespace="GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.UI" Assembly="GleamTech.FileUltimate" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="GleamTech" Namespace="GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.WebForms" Assembly="GleamTech.FileUltimate" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <head runat="server">
            <title>File Manager</title>
            <GleamTech:FileManagerControl ID="fileManager" runat="server" 
                <GleamTech:FileManagerRootFolder Name="A Root Folder" Location="~/App_Data/RootFolder1" > 
                    <GleamTech:FileManagerAccessControl Path="\" AllowedPermissions="Full"/> 

    This will render a file manager control in the page which displays one root folder named "A Root Folder" which points to "~/App_Data/RootFolder1" with Full permissions.


    Alternatively you can add the namespaces globally in Web.config under <system.web>/<pages>/<controls> tag to avoid adding namespaces in your pages every time:

          <add tagPrefix="GleamTech" namespace="GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.UI" assembly="GleamTech.FileUltimate" />
          <add tagPrefix="GleamTech" namespace="GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.WebForms" assembly="GleamTech.FileUltimate" />

    If you need a standalone file uploader control, insert these lines instead:

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="GleamTech" Namespace="GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.UI" Assembly="GleamTech.FileUltimate" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="GleamTech" Namespace="GleamTech.FileUltimate.AspNet.WebForms" Assembly="GleamTech.FileUltimate" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <head runat="server">
            <title>File Uploader</title>
            <GleamTech:FileUploaderControl ID="fileUploader" runat="server" 
                                           UploadLocation = "~/App_Data/Uploads" />