ImageTaskBaseTTrimBorders(Color, Double) Method

Trims the borders of a specific color around the current image. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.


Namespace: GleamTech.ImageUltimate
Assembly: GleamTech.ImageUltimate (in GleamTech.ImageUltimate.dll) Version: 6.4.0
public T TrimBorders(
	Color borderColor,
	double sensitivity = 0


borderColor  Color
The specific color of the border to remove.
sensitivity  Double  (Optional)
The sensitivity of the crop between 0 and 100. The higher the value the more color will be cropped.

Return Value

The same instance of this class.


  Notes to Callers

A GleamTech.Drawing.Color parameter/property can be implicitly (automatically) cast from/to other image libraries:

See Also