GleamTech.ImageUltimate Namespace

This is the core namespace of this library, it contains classes used to process images and read image information and metadata.

The main classes in this namespace are:

  • ImageTask is the class for processing an image file.
  • ImageInfo is the class for reading information and metadata of an image file.
  • ImageUltimateConfiguration is the class for changing this library's configuration (e.g. setting license key).


ExifDictionaryRepresents a dictionary of EXIF entries.
ExifEntryRepresents an entry in an EXIF dictionary.
ExifTagRepresents a tag for EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) 2.32 specification.
ExifTagGPSInfoContains EXIF tags for GPSInfo group (IFD).
ExifTagImageContains EXIF tags for Image group (IFD).
ExifTagIopContains EXIF tags for Iop group (IFD).
ExifTagPhotoContains EXIF tags for Photo group (IFD).
ImageFormatGroupInfoProvides information about a image format group.
ImageFormatInfoProvides information about a image format.
ImageInfo Provides properties for reading image information and metadata. If also processing the image is required then ImageTask class should be used.
ImageInfoBase Represents image information and metadata. This is a base class for internal use which cannot be instantiated. Use the derived ImageInfo class instead.
ImageTask Provides methods for processing a source image in a chained manner and saving the resulting image(s). This class also allows reading source image information and metadata. ImageInfo class can be preferred to this class if no processing is required.
ImageTaskBaseT This is a base class for internal use which cannot be instantiated. Use the derived ImageTask class instead.
ImageUltimateConfiguration Provides properties and methods for changing this library's configuration.
IptcDictionaryRepresents a dictionary of IPTC entries.
IptcEntryRepresents an entry in an IPTC dictionary.
IptcTagRepresents a tag for IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) Information Interchange Model (IIM) 4.2 specification.
IptcTagApplication2Contains IPTC tags for Application2 group (Record).
IptcTagEnvelopeContains IPTC tags for Envelope group (Record).


IMetadataDictionaryTTag, TEntry Represents a dictionary of image metadata, such as EXIF, IPTC, etc.
IMetadataEntryTTag Represents an entry of image metadata, such as EXIF, IPTC, etc.


ColorSpaceDefines the color spaces of images.
ColorTypeDefines the color types of images.
ExifValueTypeDefines the types of an exif entry's value.
ImageFormatDefines the supported image file formats.
ImageFormatGroupDefines the groups for supported document file formats.
ImageFormatSupportDefines the image format support for loading or saving.
ResizeMode Defines the resize modes which are used to determine the resulting width and height of an image and resolve aspect ratio differences between the requested dimensions and the original image's dimensions.