ImageFormatInfo Class

Provides information about a image format.


Namespace: GleamTech.ImageUltimate
Assembly: GleamTech.ImageUltimate (in GleamTech.ImageUltimate.dll) Version: 6.4.0
public class ImageFormatInfo
Object    ImageFormatInfo


DefaultExtensionGets the default file extension for this image format.
DescriptionGets the user-friendly description of this image format.
ExtensionsGets all file extensions for this image format.
GroupGets the group of this image format.
ValueGets the corresponding ImageFormat enumeration value.


EnumerateEnumerates supported image format infos for loading or saving.
EnumerateExtensions Enumerates supported image file extensions for loading or saving.
Get(ImageFormat)Gets the image format info corresponding to the specified ImageFormat enumeration value.
Get(String)Gets the image format info by file name or path or extension.
SupportedForGets a value that indicates whether this format is supported for loading or saving.
ToStringReturns the same value as Description property.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

See Also