ExifTagImageCopyright Property

Gets the Copyright EXIF tag.

Description: Copyright information. In this standard the tag is used to indicate both the photographer and editor copyrights. It is the copyright notice of the person or organization claiming rights to the image. The Interoperability copyright statement including date and rights should be written in this field; e.g., "Copyright, John Smith, 19xx. All rights reserved.". In this standard the field records both the photographer and editor copyrights, with each recorded in a separate part of the statement. When there is a clear distinction between the photographer and editor copyrights, these are to be written in the order of photographer followed by editor copyright, separated by NULL (in this case since the statement also ends with a NULL, there are two NULL codes). When only the photographer copyright is given, it is terminated by one NULL code. When only the editor copyright is given, the photographer copyright part consists of one space followed by a terminating NULL code, then the editor copyright is given. When the field is left blank, it is treated as unknown.
Id: 33432 (0x8298)
Type: Ascii


Namespace: GleamTech.ImageUltimate
Assembly: GleamTech.ImageUltimate (in GleamTech.ImageUltimate.dll) Version: 6.4.0
public static ExifTag Copyright { get; }

Property Value


See Also