ImageWebTask Class

Provides methods for processing a source image in a chained manner for web use and caching the resulting image. This class can not be instantiated, it's passed as a parameter to your lambda expression so that you can chain image processing commands.


Namespace: GleamTech.ImageUltimate.AspNet
Assembly: GleamTech.ImageUltimate (in GleamTech.ImageUltimate.dll) Version: 6.4.0
public sealed class ImageWebTask : ImageTaskBase<ImageWebTask>, 
Object    ImageTaskBaseImageWebTask    ImageWebTask


Blur Blurs the current image with the specified radius. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Brightness Adjusts brightness of the current image by the given amount. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
BrightnessContrast Adjusts brightness and contrast of the current image by the given amounts simultaneously. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Contrast Adjusts contrast of the current image by the given amount. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Crop(Rectangle) Crops the current image to the given rectangle. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Crop(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Crops the current image to the given coordinates and size. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Enhance Enhances the current image by adjusting colors and gamma automatically. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
FileName Overrides the file name (excluding extension) of the resulting image in the generated url (usually for SEO purposes). By default the same name of the source image will be used. Note that the file extension is appended automatically according to the current save format.
FixOrientation Adjusts the current image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing (i.e. top-left orientation). The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done. This command reads and resets the EXIF image profile setting 'Orientation' and then performs the appropriate 90 degree rotation on the image to orient the image, for correct viewing. When AutoFixOrientationEnabled is set to true, you don't need to call this method manually.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
FlipHorizontal Flips the current image horizontally. The image will be mirrored from left to right. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
FlipVertical Flips the current image vertically. The image will be mirrored from top to bottom. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Format Overrides the file format for the resulting image. By default the same file format of the source image will be used and if that format is not supported for saving, then Jpeg format will be used.
LiquidResize Resizes the current image to the given dimensions in content-aware manner (seam carving). The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
RemoveMetadata Removes all metadata like EXIF, IPTC, XMP fields, clipping paths, color profiles, comments and PNG chunks from the current image. This is always called automatically when using ImageWebTask as image metadata can be a privacy problem for online images. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Resize Resizes the current image to the given dimensions. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
ResizeHeight Resizes the current image to the given height while preserving the aspect ratio. This is a shortcut to calling Resize(Int32, Int32, ResizeMode) method with 0 for width value. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
ResizeWidth Resizes the current image to the given width while preserving the aspect ratio. This is a shortcut to calling Resize(Int32, Int32, ResizeMode) method with 0 for height value. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Rotate Rotates the current image by the given angle. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Sharpen Sharpens the current image with the specified radius. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
Thumbnail Smartly generates a thumbnail from the current image. This method is optimized for thumbnails so you should prefer it over Resize(Int32, Int32, ResizeMode), ResizeWidth(Int32, ResizeMode) or ResizeHeight(Int32, ResizeMode) methods. This command should be the first one in the chain. Most image formats (Jpg, Tiff, Psd and Camera Raw files) can have EXIF thumbnails so this method will first try to read that image from EXIF metadata, remove black stripes above and below it and resize it down further if needed. This will ensure very fast performance when your whole purpose is generating thumbnails. Only if there is no thumbnail in metadata or the thumbnail is smaller than the requested size, the thumbnail will be created by resizing the original image as usual. EXIF thumbnails are typically in size 160x120.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
TrimBorders(Double) Trims the borders of any color around the current image. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)
TrimBorders(Color, Double) Trims the borders of a specific color around the current image. The command is added to the chain and not executed until the actual processing is done.
(Inherited from ImageTaskBaseT)

See Also